December 15, 2023

UCHD seeking survey responses

From Gazette staff reports

The Union County Health Department is asking residents for their help in hitting a goal of 400 responses to a community survey launched in early November.

The survey can be taken online at www.uchd.net/community-survey . The survey is open through Dec. 15. Any Union County resident age 18 and older is encouraged to take the survey.

“We must collect at least 380 responses in order to make generalizations about health in Union County. The more surveys we collect, the more confident we can be when making general statements about local health issues,” said Mary Salimbene Merriman, lead epidemiologist at the Union County Health Department and chair of the Community Health Assessment committee. “If we don’t receive enough survey responses, then it is hard to make valid generalizations about what the data represents.”

The health department has received 320 responses as of Dec. 5. UCHD needs about 80 more to reach its initial goal.

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