 on January 23, 2025
The Ohio Power Siting Board, pictured above, voted Thursday to deny the Richwood Solar project. Union County Commissioner Steve Robinson and Taylor Township Trustee Beth Marshall, seated at right, sat in and voted as ad hoc members to the board. The action marks a major milestone in the more than three-year discussion over the proposed project. Samsung, the project applicant, has a 30-day window to appeal the decision. (Photo submitted)

Samsung solar project rebuffed

By By Michael Williamson, Richwood Gazette 


State officials have denied the Richwood Solar project.

The Ohio Power Siting Board voted unanimously in the afternoon on Jan. 16 to deny Samsung’s Richwood Solar project application from going forward.

Union County Commissioner Steve Robinson and Taylor Township Trustee Beth Marshall were present for the vote as part of the ad hoc board at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio in Columbus.

The two local officials agreed to serve as the Union County representation on a board made up of members from a variety of agencies like the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Development.

After the vote, Robinson said that he was very pleased to see the outcome.Read this entire article as it appeared in print in our eEdition

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