Richwood Civic Center
As July comes to a close and August jumps in, we have lots planned for August with activities and events. Keep watching our newsletter for a list of all the activities going on. Also, with the newsletter you will be able to see the meal calendar for Memorial Meals here at the center. If you would like more information on the meals, please call Connie at 614-949-4382.
Mobile Market in Magnetic Springs is Wednesday Aug. 2. If you would like more information on this, please call the Hope Center at 937-303-4209. The representative from the Alzheimer’s Association will be in our offices on Wednesday, Aug. 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; if you would like to schedule an appointment with her, please call 614-6432132. We have exercise for you at the center on Monda…
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