In Retrospect
APRIL 4, 1924
April 3
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Dean were surprised at their home near Richwood Thursday evening by a number of friends and neighbors who gathered for a farewell party. The evening was spent with games and music, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. McClenathan, of Marion; Mrs. Florence Kempher, of Fostoria; Mrs. Minnie Storey, Orlie Storey, Esther Louise Storey, Lotta Belle Storey, Edna Gast, Will Gast, Oliver Daniels, Alice Daniels, Raymond Daniels, May Daniels, Charley Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson, Roy Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Iva Mae Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. D, Wood and children, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Howison, Geneva M. Howison, A. W. Howison, Miss Ward Janiel Beeney, Dollie Beeney.
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